Le Gospel Pur




Au premier jour du monde,

Le monde était peuplé d'êtres immondes.

Ces dégoûtants, répugnants géants appelés Titans

C'était un vrai guêpier,

On ne savait plus sur quel pied danser.

La terre entière tremblait, souffrait,

Crachait un feu d'enfer

WAOUH ! Tu chauffes ma fille

Quand soudain survint Zeus,

Et broyant d'un éclair,

Ces brutes,

Qui s'étonnèrent de ce tonnerre,


Qui vivaient sur terre, C'est clair, à l'envers


Çà c'est du Gospel pur !

Ce gars mérite un A, C'est un vrai As !


Tout le monde en fait un plat.

Vas-y ma grande

Tout seul dompter chaque créature,

Même si sa pointure est démesure,

C'est du Gospel pur !

Tout en haut de l'Olympe,

Des Dieux en cure de sinécure.

Même si ce ne sont que des murmures,

C'est du Gospel pur



Lui, le Dieu des Enfers,

Avec les morts, vidures et pervers,

Il n'est qu'injures, blessures et brûlures.

Çà c'est du Gospel pur !


Il jette au monde sa rage en pâture,

Çà c'est du Gospel pur !



Hercule devint mortel,

Mais n'ayant pas bu tout le breuvage,

Il conserva force et courage,

Par la Grâce du Ciel !

Vas-y chérie


Zeus et Héra pleurèrent,

Ce fils qui ne reviendrait jamais,

Qu'ils devaient regarder grandir,

Sans pouvoir le chérir.

Malgré ses noirs desseins,

Hadès ne put forcer le destin.

L'enfant prit fière et belle allure.

Çà c'est du Gospel pur

Du Gospel pur


Back when the world was new

The planet Earth was down on its luck

And ev'rywhere gigantic brutes called Titans ran amok.

It was a nasty place

There was a mess wherever you stepped

Where chaos reigned and earthquakes

and volcanoes never slept


And then came along Zeus

He hurled his thunderbolt

He zapped

Locked those suckers in a vault

They're trapped

And on his own stopped chaos in its tracks


And that's the gospel truth

The guy was too type A to just relax


And that's the world's first dish


Zeus tamed the globe while still in his youth

Through, honey, it may seem impossible

That's the gospel truth

On Mt. Olympus life was neat and

Smooth as sweet vermouth

Though, honey, it may seem impossible

That's the gospel truth



He ran the Underworld

But thought the dead were dull and uncouth

He was as mean as he was ruthless

And that's the gospel truth


He had a plan to shake things up

And that's the gospel truth



Young Herc was mortal now

But since he did not drink the last drop

He still retained his godlike strength

So thank his lucky stars



But Zeus and Hera wept

Because their son could never come home

They'd have to watch their precious baby

Grow up from afar

Though Hades horrid plan

Was hatched before Herc cut his first tooth

The boy grew stronger ev'ry day and

That's the gospel truth

gospel truth


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